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Friday, 29 January 2021

Cool, creepy and full of pop nostalgia: Donnie Darko is ripe for a reboot

Richard Kelly has hinted at a follow-up to his debut classic. In the era of Cobra Kai and Stranger Things, it makes perfect sense

If we are ever to get another glimpse into the world of Donnie Darko, Richard Kelly’s phantasmagorical 2001 masterpiece, the time is probably now. Kelly has struggled in the intervening years to reach the heights he sustained with his mindboggling directorial debut, perhaps because his first movie was so perfectly pitched, as if Radiohead had come out with OK, Computer as their debut.

The small town of Middlesex, Virginia boasts such an intriguing blend of wormholes, teenage angst and 80s nostalgia that it is a wonder Netflix hasn’t snapped up the rights to a streaming revival. We live in a time in which Karate Kid spinoff Cobra Kai has been seen by 73 million people and Stranger Things, tapping into nostalgia for Reagan-era Stephen King, has become the biggest TV show on the planet. Donnie Darko showed a a similar fascination with the horror and wonder of late 20th-century suburban America, like a time capsule dug up to expose a crusty Sony Walkman loaded with lashings of alt-pop brilliance. It seems perfectly set up for a streaming sequel or prequel, largely because it left so much to the imagination.

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from The Guardian

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