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Monday, 6 July 2020

'It was a rollercoaster': Outcry, the most surprising docuseries of the summer

In 2013, Greg Kelley, a high school football star, was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a four-year-old. But a new series reveals things are not as they seem

As a legal term, “outcry” refers to the first admission by a victim of sexual assault, the testimony which launches a police investigation, a process more familiar to most Americans through television procedurals such as Law & Order: SVU than personal experience. On the big and small screen, this would seem to be a straightforward process, especially if the person making the outcry is a child – log it, believe it, investigate, catch, prosecute. So it would seem in July 2013, when a four-year-old boy told his parents, who then informed police in Williamson county, a tony suburb north of Austin, Texas, of sexual assault by a high schooler he named as Greg.

Greg Kelley, then a 17-year-old rising senior and star of the Leander high school football team, was promptly arrested.

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from The Guardian

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