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Friday 1 May 2020

6 Neighbours spoilers for next week: Paul causes trouble, and Aaron and David’s foster plan

neighbours paul robinson

It’s the last week before we are back to five days a week of Neighbours goodness, and it’s another dramatic one as Paul continues to damage relationships with his loved ones.

And Mackenzie’s secret housemate is revealed to all.

Here’s your spoilers for Neighbours between Monday 4th and Friday 8th May.

Harlow and Paul clash

Neighbours, Jemma Donovan

Even since her mother, Prue Wallace died, Harlow Robinson (Jemma Donovan) has been struggling to move on, and she and Paul have also been having difficulties seeing eye to eye. Those problems increase for her this week after she is caught up in a police raid at Mackenzie’s house and Paul takes her to task for getting involved in something so serious. He is adamant that she is making terrible decisions of late and in true Paul fashion, refuses to listen when she explains her side of the story.

What Harlow was unaware of though is that Mannix Foster (Sam Webb), the cause of the raid,  has a very dark and chequered history with Paul and when she gets wind of just how dodgy the dealings between the two of them have been (and she only hears half of it), she is furious at the hypocrisy her grandfather is showing. Unfortunately for Paul, by the time the week is up, Harlow won’t be the only family member that he has problems with.

Mackenzie confesses all

neighbours police raid mannix

Listening to Roxy Willis (Zima Anderson) may have sounded like a good idea to Mackenzie Hargreaves (Georgie Stone) at the time, but the advice to lie to her aunt about living with the Rebecchi’s and to get a lodger backfired in dramatic circumstances when Mannix ended up moving in.

The two seemed to get on at first but his erratic behaviour gave her cause for concern- with the police raid confirming her suspicions. But with Sky Mangel (Stephanie McIntosh) leading the raid, it’s clear instantly that her cover is blown and that she needs to start telling the truth. She sheepishly confesses everything to those at Number 30 and tells them that she didn’t want to add to their troubles after the problems they’ve been experiencing. Making it clear that she could never be an imposition, they tell her to call her Aunt and tell her everything.

Will Mackenzie have to say goodbye to Erinsborough or will she be Ramsay Street’s latest resident?

Aaron and David plan for the future

neighbours aaron david

Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson) and David Tanaka (Takaya Honda) have had starting a family on the brain from almost the moment the pair got married (we can never resist including a shot from that wedding) and they’ve recently suffered a series of knockbacks in their attempts to get the ball rolling.

This week, however, they are given pause for thought and realise that there is an alternative they can consider. It’s Mark Brennan (Scott McGregor) who gives them the idea as he celebrates the news that he is going to be a dad. He mentions that Australia is in need of foster carers and that he thinks they would perfect and should apply. Whilst this is something they had briefly thought about in the past, they never really pursued it but this time the more they think about it, the more they get excited by the prospect of helping to guide young people in need.

Have they found a new direction to take? And more importantly, can they impress when it comes time to have the first meeting about it? Not with Paul around they can’t…

Paul lets David down


As if the arguments he has been having with Harlow weren’t enough, Paul manages to get his son offside this week as the fallout from Mannix continues to plague him. Viewers will know that Mannix owes Paul after the catfish incident with Jane Harris (Annie Jones), but what Paul doesn’t know is that Mannix is repaying the money with stolen goods- and those goods end up at The Shed for Aaron to discover.

Horrified at what Paul has got the business into, Aaron vents his frustrations. Paul though asks for his help to get rid of everything, fearful that Harlow will learn the truth and the problems between them will get even worse. But all he manages to do is start another fire as Aaron ends up missing the first appointment that he and David had to be foster parents.

When Paul’s attempts to smooth things over fall on deaf ears, will he realise how much he is ruining things and make amends properly? Or will he keep digging a hole for himself in typical Paul Robinson fashion? We suspect the latter.

Elsewhere on Neighbours…

neighbours elly jail
  • Elly Conway (Jodi Anasta) is preparing for her big day in court and is still grappling with her decision to plead guilty to manslaughter. But she is devastated when she overhears Chloe Brennan (April Rose Pengilly) and Pierce Greyson (Tim Robards) having a private conversation about her.
  • Roxy Willis (Zima Anderson) and Kyle Canning (Chris Milligan) have been close to something special for a while now but this week they once again find themselves unable to communicate how they feel. Will these two ever get together?

Visit our dedicated Neighbours page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers. If you’re looking for more to watch check out our TV guide.

from Radio Times

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