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Thursday, 5 March 2020

Coronavirus latest updates: Trump admits outbreak 'might' impact US economy

Pence acknowledges shortage of testing kits; WHO warns of sustained community transmission; first death in UK. Follow live news:

Back in Hong Kong now, asked whether school closures are effective, the WHO’s Dr. Leung says “we won’t know definitively until we see age-stratified… data from a high burden population.”

“Children seem to be relatively spared. Are they spared because they’re not susceptible, or because they are susceptible but they don’t show too much symptoms… or because they don’t go on to infect others?

In Canada, we’re hearing reports via Canadian media of the first community transmission of the coronavirus in British Columbia. We should have more definitive information soon.

For now, the Vancouver Sun has reported that eight new cases have been confirmed in the province, including in a woman who “has not travelled recently and has had no close contacts with any recent travellers.”

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from The Guardian

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