Since Trump’s rise to power, writer Mira Jacob has faced increasingly difficult questions from her young son
It started with Michael Jackson. It was 2014, and Mira Jacob’s six-year-old son Z had moved on from being obsessed with Freddie Mercury (“He demanded fake moustaches for a solid year”), to being obsessed with Jackson. He knew all the moves and was never without a fedora. “So my husband and I, thinking we were geniuses, got him all the albums,” Jacob explains. “The problem is, when you give a mixed-race kid albums from the trajectory of Michael Jackson’s career, he gets really puzzled.” And so the questions started: What colour was Jackson? How did he turn white? Why did he want to turn white?
“The funny part was that Z didn’t even know at that point what colour he was himself,” Jacob says. “He would say things like, ‘You’re brown! Daddy’s white!’”
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