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Thursday, 28 February 2019

How not to infuriate your spouse: marriage lessons all couples need | Zoe Williams

Rosslea Hall hotel’s ‘groom academy’ won’t solve the cause of most arguments among cohabiting couples: poor communication

When I heard that a hotel was offering “groom courses” for fiances – with classes on making breakfast in bed and doing the laundry – I immediately assumed it was in Japan, where themed accommodation is commonplace. But the training is actually being offered at Rosslea Hall in Argyll and Bute.

“We are calling all lovely brides-to-be before they say ‘I do’ so they can whip their men into shape and cut the mothers’ apron strings,” said a spokeswoman for the establishment, although it read like a Russian troll-bot, programmed to inflame men’s rights activists. And boy, did they bite. “Are these women looking for a husband or a servant?” asked one Twitter user, amid more generalised griping about how this was 2019, and how do people think men manage before they get married.

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from The Guardian

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