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Monday, 1 October 2018

The Kavanaugh affair is a referendum on the political power of women | Meghan O'Rourke

The right knows it has a woman problem. It may not want to listen to the voices on its threshold, but they are only getting louder

The Senate judiciary committee hearing on Thursday was a bizarre set of contradictions. On the one hand, the Republican senators were superficially respectful to Christine Blasey Ford: they repeatedly asked her what she needed, hired a female prosecutor to question her, and largely refrained from the kind of denigrating slurs that allowed the media to label Anita Hill “a little nutty and a little slutty” 27 years ago.

On the other hand, the whole thing also felt strikingly retrograde, with a woman’s emotional testimony all but ignored as Republican senators deferred to the righteous indignation of a white man. It illuminated what a strange moment we’re now in, demonstrating how much has changed for American women, and simultaneously how little has.

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from The Guardian

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