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Friday, 24 August 2018

Ali G tweets his “respeck” to “OG” Donald Trump

Sacha Baron Cohen (Getty, EH)


Sacha Baron Cohen has revived his classic comedy persona Ali G to pay homage to “genuine gangsta” President Donald Trump in an open letter.

The tongue-in-cheek Twitter post, addressed “2 my main man, President Ronald Trump”, marks the news that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort and personal lawyer Michael Cohen are facing guilty verdicts in court.

The tweet features a clip from Cohen’s infamous interview with Trump, in which – as Ali G – he quizzed Trump about business and almost convinced the future president to invest in ‘ice cream gloves’.

“2 my main man President Ronald Trump, check out when you colluded wiv me a few years ago and u corrected all dem stupid fake news scientists who said dat humanoids have only been around for 300,000 years,” Cohen’s tweet begins, referring to Trump’s claim in the interview that humans originally traded in “rocks and stones” and have been doing business for “hundreds of millions of years”.

“Yesterday it was proven in de courts dat u iz a crook – respeck! U iz a genuine gangsta! And it turns out most of your crew are too innit (4 guilty so far). U iz de Suge Knight of world leaderz innit,” the comedian continued.

“Also nuff respek for bonin all dem pornstars – but why iz you payin dem money to keep quiet about it? We know it aint coz u haz got a tiny dong, u told everyone it woz massive on da telly, and one fing u ain’t, is a liar.

“Anyway, peace out, u iz a hinspiration for young people, showing dem u can become President of America without having to give up a life of crime. Bigupyaself O.G.”

Who Is America? concludes on Monday 27th August on Channel 4 at 10:30pm

from Radio Times

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